SSC packets contain strong psychrotrophic* bacteria to work in the warming waters of spring and summer. They also contain cellulase enzymes in a bran base. The only thing visible will be the bran base because bacteria and enzymes are microscopic. Both work together to provide a cleaner pond going into the active season when fish come out of torpor and plants again begin to sprout new growth.
During the winter, winds penetrate and carry leaves and particles through almost any leaf barrier that has been erected to keep them out of the pond. The cellulase enzymes are specifically added to digest and break down cellulose organics, such as leaves, leaf particles and dead vegetation in the pond. The enzymes produced by the bacteria are not limited to cellulose reduction. They can also do sludge reduction and some odor control.
The outer casing is water soluble, so the packets can be tossed into the pond and allowed to dissolve by themselves. Or, they can be pre-dissolved by allowing them to be placed in a bucket of warm water. When they dissolve into the bucket, it should be stirred and then walked around the pond for specifically targeting problem areas, such as under overhanging trees in ponds without winter netting.
There are 8 water soluble packets in SSC and all the ingredients are made in the USA.
A popular question I receive from pond owners is what water temperature they should start using this product. I tell them to start when the pond is thawed or, if they have a pond thermometer, they can start when the water is 40°F. It is a one month treatment in a warming season and should be followed by Microbe-Lift/PL for the summer months.
*It is not true psychrophilic (cold water) since the bacteria in Spring Summer Cleaner does not have optimal growth at low temperatures like psychrophilic do… the bacteria will still grow, but not as quickly as it will when the temperature increases.
**It may benefit ponds where it is not possible to remove leaves to add the product all winter and to use Professional Blend Dry packets as regular use. It can be used with vegetative bacteria for optimal results.